Friday, November 03, 2006


I love this month. Lissa listed her top reasons why she loves it on her blog and when I commented I got inspired to make my own list. I love lists, too. Here goes, in no particular order.

My first daughter was born in November.

Sweater weather.

Housework seems to be easier and I'm a little more joyful about it.

Everything is cool and fresh and clear.

There could be snow!

(Gratuitous picture of Scout, the wonder dog)

Baking, muffins, banana bread, pumpkin spice cake, cream cheese frosting...

Thanksgiving and all that it entails.

Pink cheeks and mittens.

Hot chocolate, hot tea, warm friendship circles. We have more company.

I tend to get out all my hobbies. Knitting, scrapbooking, quilting. You name it and I'll dig it out in November.

I get a little more creative. I dress a little better. I write letters. I move furniture.

No more lawn mowing!

Candles. Lots and lots of candles.

Anyone else?


Anne/kq said...

THANKSGIVING! My no. 1 reason to love November. :D

One of my sisters has a Nov. birthday. My almost-step-sister, too.

It's the season for Christmas shopping and planning. The tree goes up the day after Thanksgiving. From the 1st of Nov. on, Christmas music is fair game, even for non-crazy-like-me people!

Sometimes we actually get some fall weather by November.

Did I mention Thanksgiving? Turkey, family, CRANBERRIES! Pumpkin pie and cheesecake! Grandma's delectable Jell-o salad, which I get all the leftovers of because I love it so much!

I don't have to keep my daughter's white church shoes clean anymore; some time in Oct. or Nov. they're traded for brown, instead. (I wear black and brown shoes all year round. So sue me.)

Some of my favorite fruits and veggies are in season in November.

November smells good. It just does.

Amy A. said...

November smells great! Glad to meet another enthusiast.

Just thought of another one. There is usually a great movie to see in November. I am really counting on Stranger than Fiction.

Thanks for stopping by, anne!

shanna said...

I'm inspired; I'm gonna make my own list! Yes, November makes me happy, too.

Paula said...

I love Thanksgiving and your pup is a cuite! Thanks for visiting my blog.