Tuesday, August 21, 2007

More from Seaside

I miss the beach.

Happy news, my daughter made the Volleyball team. Very exciting. We practiced quite a bit on our trip. On the beach, in my mom's front yard, at every rest stop and McDonalds and Burger King. I love volleyball and can't wait to watch her play at this new level.

My little girl is starting high school tomorrow. I'm not sure how I feel about that. She will be totally in her element as she is social as all get out, but MY BABY! I think this might be as bad as when my youngest went to kindergarten. I think it's gonna be a whole new world around here.

So our house now includes a freshman, an eighth grader, a fourth grader and a second grader. At three different schools. I just purchased a new calendar in hopes of keeping all the schedules straight.

1 comment:

Beckyb said...

I need a calendar too - I NEED organization!!!