Monday, March 31, 2008

A sure cure for my overwhelmedness

I found this article at zen habits that is very appealing. Go there to read the whole thing, but here is the short list.

Do one think at a time.

Do it slowly and deliberately.

Do it completely. (This is not a fly lady essential. I think this must be one of the reasons I can't follow that program. Who wants to stop making the bed when the timer rings if the pillow cases aren't on?)

Do less.

Put space between things (I don't think this means evertime I finish a chore I get to play a round of scramble. Because we all know that you can't play JUST ONE!)

Develop rituals.

Designate time for certain things.

Devote time to sitting.

Smile and serve others.

Make cleaning and cooking become meditation.

Think about what is necessary.

Live Simply.

Wow. Pretty common sense stuff, huh? Sounds like a Jesus way to live, too.

I think I will try to post about each essential as I'm working on it.

I sort of feel like I have to get everything in order before I can begin my more zen-like but I just read a C.S. Lewis quote through the bunny trail of blogs that says something to the effect that successful people are those who seek knowledge while conditions are still unfavorable. Favorable conditions never come. (Go to pink sneakers for the full quote).

Anyone out there have this under control? I'm wondering what your life looks like.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

For Today

Todays weather: Snowing. Again.

Todays breakfast: Apples, oranges, banana and a string cheese. String cheese is a very convenient take-along food.

Todays lunch: Hopefully eaten out if a friend calls back. If not, I have a package of ground turkey just waiting to be turned into taco meat.

Todays quote: A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult. (I'm thinking this must be from Proverbs).

Todays big chore: The bathroom scrub down/springtime makeover (I will not let the snow beat me) and organization of the linen closet.

Todays beverage of choice: Starting with hot black tea, then moving on to Coke Zero.

Today I will say good morning to every person that comes into work with the hopes that they will have a good day and be blessed in a special way that is obvious. The kind of thing that's out of the norm, that will make a person actually think, "Wow, I've just been blessed"!

And I hope you are blessed in some amazing way, too!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Do you SEE where she's sitting??

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Death to Bunnies

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Happy Easter, my peeps

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May you find in Jesus Christ, our risen Lord, a companion for your journey, a sure ground for your hopes, the peace that passes understanding and the joy that life is eternal.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Getting to know you, 4x4

I love meme's and learning trivia about people. So I'm doing this one!

Four jobs I have had: Waitress (lots of times), Sign Language Interpreter, Wedding dress salesperson (eek), Library Clerk (presently, LOVE IT!)

Four shows I watch: Survivor, Lost, The Office, America's Best Dance Crew

Four places I've visited: Hawaii, Vancouver BC, Disneyworld, Washinton DC

Four foods I like: Taco Salads, Chops Americano from Blue Mountain, Burger on Greens from Red Robin, Double Beef Cheeseburgers from Burgerville

Four More:

Four scents I like: Vanilla, Thanksgiving Dinner, Banana Bread, kids who have just eaten graham crackers.

Four sounds: That first snow falling quietness, my kids singing, when hubby laughs really hard, the first time the ice cream truck comes through the neighborhood, but not after that!

Cars I've had: A cute little Honda Accord that my brother destroyed when it was his turn to drive, A Ford escort, a Pontiac 2000 - old and ugly but heated up really fast, and currently a mini-van.

Four things I'm good at: Baking cookies, doodling, knitting stocking caps, french braiding.

Another Four:

Songs I like: Here we go again, OK GO, Apple bottom jeans, boots with the fur... (mom's shouldn't like that one, eh?) The Revelation song, The Mom Song

Books I've enjoyed: The Twilight Series by Stephanie Meyer, Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers, The Outlander Series by Diana Gabaldon, I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith.

Food I hate: Capers, curry, divinity... And how sad is it that I can only think of three?

Food that hates me: French Fries, Red Vines, Butter, Chocolate. One bite and I gain five pounds. Not fair.

I should have another four, to finish the 4x4, but it's been a long day and I need a rest.

Everyone is tagged who cares to carry on the meme!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Inquiring minds want to know

Is it rude to ask people about their obvious physical traits?

Can I ask people about how they came to have their crooked noses, glass eyes, limps, smashed fingers, etc?

Or is it only okay to inquire if the physical difference seems to be only a temporary malady, like a cast or crutches or pregnancy or a zit.

I am extremely (EXTREMELY) curious about people, but I rarely ask.
When I do ask, I never ask to be rude or make a person feel bad. I honestly want to know. Come on, it's not like it isn't obvious. Maybe it would put a person at ease to know they are actually being seen and looked at straight on.

There is a very nice gentleman who comes into my work with only one leg. I always want to ask if the cold hurts his stump, or have him tell me his story. But I don't ask. I'm sure I could, he's a very nice person. But I hold back because I don't want to embarrass him if it is a touchy subject.

I consider myself to be a pretty nice person. I like to consider the feelings of others, but does that trait make it harder to get to know people? I don't want to step on toes, or cause someone to be uncomfortable.

I think those bad haircuts, crooked eye-liner, tattoos, painful shuffles, black eyes, scars and missing limbs are unique and it makes me think you must have an awesome story to tell.

So don't be mad if I start asking.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A little spring at the end of winter

I've been knitting hats like crazy.

And I learned how to make little knitted flowers, too.

Do you ever look at your kids and think how lucky you are? I just want to eat these girls up! I love them so.
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Monday, March 17, 2008

Friday, March 07, 2008

Long time, no post

Weekend away! Yay!

Flu! Ick.

Raising kids is sometimes hard. Sigh.

That about sums up the last few days.