Saturday, April 01, 2006

I have been reading/looking at a very unique blog called funny cute. It cracks me up because this girl draws these fabulous little cartoons and her doodles look amazing. Even so, she makes little comments on how her stuff isn't good enough. She is definitely a gifted artist, and maybe she's not where she wants to be in the long run creatively, she absolutely has talent to be proud of right where she is. I know someday she'll have a huge career in the cartoon world.

Bouncing off of that, here is something I drew that makes me happy and is spring-ish. Unlike Katie at funny cute, I do not have a future in the cartoon world, but I do like to doodle and color and for what its worth, I'm gonna show you! Even though I don't have a talent for drawing things out of my head, I always thought it would be fun to be a colorist for a cartoonist. I stay in the lines pretty good! ha.

I got most of this fairy girl off a card I bought, so this is really someone else's idea, but it's a little different. (Read: not near as good. I can make deragatory comments about my drawing, unlike the other girl, who has "it"!) ;p

I love the blog world! You really can learn and see and experience so much more than you would normally pursue. Maybe it's too easy. It does make my ears perk up when I hear someone talking about their gifts and visions. I am interested in the things that make people unique. People are the funniest people!

We all have a little artist in us. It doesn't matter if we aren't good at something, we should just try it. I know my little doodles don't mean a lot to anyone, but creating something feels good. Why do little kids like play-dough so much? They are making and creating and doing. A little embellishment goes a long way! I think it's why I like the vegan lunch box so much (link at right). This mom puts a lot of effort in presenting her kid with a beautiful lunch, with home made napkins out of fun fabric, jokes, pictures, and LOVE. That has got to make her kid feel special.

So sing a song, color something, dig in the dirt, latch on to the little thing that makes you feel unique, special or different. A friend gave me this verse in regards to pursuing God, but it can also apply to anything we want to do but don't feel good enough to start. Zech. 4:10 - Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.

Now go!


Anonymous said...

You draw and write well. Take your own advice.

Sarah Louise said...

Oh what a great verse! Alright, I'll go finish my task so I can go to bed.