It's gray... Gray, gray, gray.
We have had maybe two moments (I would say days, but they were really only moments) of time above the 70's here.
I like 68. 68 is the perfect temperature for me, but we haven't even had that.
I might have to write a really sad song. Or a SAD (that disorder that comes for seasonal distress due to bad weather) song.
I'm wearing yellow to try to combat the grayness, and it is helping about 2%.
I might have to eat a popsicle in rebellion. In fact, why don't you eat one, too?
Come on, world... Help me stick it to the (weather)man and eat a popsicle in solidarity and show our disapproval of fall time weather during the spring season!
It's almost summer, for pete's sake!
Yellow has that kind of impact? I never knew! Am finding some yellow STAT!
I would like it to be less gray...however, I am REALLY liking the last month of not having to have my sprinkler system running!! I'm saving tons of money so far this summer just on the water bill.
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